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Abbotsbury Subtropical Gardens Plant Finders fair

Another successful fair this year at Abbotsbury Subtropical Gardens Plant Finders fair on Sunday 16th June 2019. The rain held off during setup in the morning and then brightened up for the afternoon. Lots of interest on the stall, in particular Hedychium, Canna and Brugmansia which is very fitting with our future ambition to branch out to Hedychium. The large display pots of Brugmansia Mobisu and Brugmansia Babydoll attracted the most attention with the smaller plants of these two being sold out by close of play. Brugmansia Knightii and Grand Marnier were also of keen interest.

The subtropical gardens were a delightful setting to host the fair, with gardeners were able to explore the subtropical plants after a plant fair peruse. I also met with an Andromeda Gardens contact, a tropical garden paradise in Barbados and with Mike Clifford an exotic plant enthusiast and expert grower of unusual varieties.

We shall be back next year, and we look forward to seeing you there!

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