Our first plant fair was a great success considering it was at the end of the growing season. We had interest from all over the region including a customer who drove down from near London specifically to buy some Brugmansia from us, so thank you very much to them!
Setting up was a lot smoother than anticipated and RHS Rosemoor supplied an excellent indoor venue, away from the elements. Once set up, our stall consisted of 4 to 5 different varieties of Brugmansia, Gunnera, Musa, Echium, Hibiscus and Lampranthus. Unsurprisingly the Brugmansia took the limelight with many customers inquiring about plant care and asking about overwintering advice. Fortunately I had the Huandaj Brugmansia book to hand should questions become a little more taxing!

Since the fair we have invested in a new greenhouse duct fan. This is going to make a real difference distributing temperatures evenly across the greenhouse, help reduce pests, disease and damp areas, especially for the Brugmansia. I'm hoping to install this very soon!

These BioGreen Fans are around £120 - £150 new but we managed to find one on the Amazon warehouse for £60 and it runs perfectly so we are very happy with the purchase!
As we have saved with the fan, we have also purchased our liability insurance for 2019 season. This will allow us to attend more plant fairs for 2019.
So what a great start and thank you for everyone's support, please continue to support us at the following events for 2019:
Sunday 2nd June
Buckfast Abbey Plant Fair, Devon
Sunday 30th June - Rare Plant Fair
Sculture by the Lakes, Nr Dorchester, Dorset
Sunday 7th July
South Molton Plant Heritage Plant Sale
Sunday 22nd September
RHS Rosemoor Plant Heritage Plant Sale
New Brugmansia Varieties for 2019 include:
B. Sunset
B. Versicolor 'Maya'
B. Arborea Knightii
B. Grand Marnier
B. Coufefe
B. Versicolor x Equador Pink
B. Pinted Lady x Miss Edith Winette
B. Sarah Sophie x Costa Rican lady
B. Insignis