Forum Terms of Use
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Keep member profiles and signatures clean and appropriate
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Treat other subscribers with courtesy and respect
Online discussion forums are like any other organised gathering of people; there are rules of etiquette everyone is expected to follow. We believe in free expression of a variety of viewpoints and critical discussion of all ideas. Your experience is bound only by a set of common sense rules that ask you to be civil and show respect for others when you are online.
Do not express disagreements or personal vendettas on the forums
Do not name people you may have a disagreement with or allow identification of those people by inference. Do not threaten, or harass anyone, directly or by indirectly. Doing so will lead to a warning or being banned from the site. If you have any problems regarding another member or a member of the staff, you are encouraged to privately contact the website owner.
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Please report offensive material
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Inappropriate content will be removed
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